• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Items
  • 4 Review
  • 5 Pay
  • 6 Confirm
  • 7 Finish
Welcome to MontanaFair’s Online Entry System
The MontanaFair online entry system uses ShoWorks Software, the major software program for fairs and livestock shows in the country.  The system is exhibitor friendly, and we find that most problems for online entries stem from not following the step-by-step requirements as instructed.  The following steps are required when entering:
Guideline for Online Entry to MontanaFair:
Registration Page – Each individual exhibitor must create a new account using their First and Last Name and new password every year.  WE DO NOT ADVISE MAKING CHANGES once your entry has been submitted.  However, if you must add entries, you will need your password so be sure to take note of it.  DO NOT ENTER a family name (ex. “Smith Family”, etc.) unless the Department you are entering has specific group classes, (ex. Schools, Groups, etc.).
4-H Clubs or FFA Chapters entering Department A (4-H Livestock) or Department N (4-H Non-Livestock), must enter under the registered CLUB OR CHAPTER NAME and should only be entered under that specific name. Clubs and chapters should appear in drop down menu.  The system must list your club or chapter before entering.  If your club or chapter is not listed, do not complete your entry until you contact entryoffice@metrapark.com or 406-256-2400.
All starred (*) blanks must be filled in.  All youth must put in age and birthdate.  READ and click yes on all of the liability waivers, statement of responsibility and other disclosures as necessary for the departments entered.  Type YES in the box as required.
SUBMIT ENTRIES - You will receive an email confirmation for your entries.  If you do not receive one within 24 hours of submission, please contact the entry office at 406-256-2400.
NEW PAYMENT PROCEDURES:  You MUST pay online at the time of entry.  Your entry is confirmed to be received as of the time/date on your receipt.
**CLOVERBUDS – use the code “Cloverbud” to skip the required payment.  To purchase gate tickets, you will have to call 406-869-5200 with payment over the phone.
QUESTIONS: EMAIL THE entryoffice@metrapark.com for the quickest response.